Monday, February 15, 2010

Webpages that Suck! (a whole lot)

Here's a few examples of truly terrible web design.

Judging by how long this page takes to load, you must be thinking 'Damn, this must be a freakin' awesome website!'. A half hour later when it finishes, you realise... no, no it isn't. This is so awful I don't know where to begin. I'll start with the homepage, which - after literally seconds of skimming - I discover contains absolutely zero content. It's just a pit for every animated GIF on the web to fall into. I should also mention the home page has absolutely no relevance to the site.

Take one guess what the site is about after looking at the home page.

A picture gallery dedicated to the closest holiday?


It's about dogs, I think. I didn't actually read anything for fear my skull would collapse from all the stupid. Navigating around the site is a nightmare; links are placed at random down the side of the page for several mouse scrolls. Although you can't read them half the time, because they're hidden against the insane background. And if you click on one, don't think you'll get any reprieve from the horror of the home page. Every page on the site is just crazy as the index.

That's a mouthful. You'd think a website about such a smart and scientific program would have been smart and scientifically designed. And maybe it is, if it's designed to give a siezure.

It's hard to find a single square centimetre that isn't filled with some rainbow covered graphic. And they spin! Hope you don't have motion sickness. I'm not sure what the purpose of all those graphics on the side are for, certainly not for navigation. No, that honour is reserved for the unpsychedlic and utterly boring text links on the top page.

Luckily, most of the other pages won't send you crashing to the floor in convulsions. They are, however, pages that scroll for hours with countless links to God knows what. Kudos DPGraph, for proving even smart people are idiots.

Well, this is a change, just not a welcome one. Says right there on the home page it was established in 1983, and it looks like it hasn't been updated since. This is single most un-entertaining website I've ever visited. Watching "Murder, She Wrote" is more exciting than this.

It takes skill to make a website as boring as the game itself, but it's somehow worse because there's no competition. There are no winners, everyone who comes to this site is a loser. Navigation is simple enough, but who cares? Each page is just as boring as the next. And the only graphics are links to pictures of chessboards.

I'm so tired, I think this site has sapped all my energy. It's a void where life and vigour get sucked into a black hole of boredom. Better make sure your keyboard has drool resistance.

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